Treacherous Trucks: How To Stay Safe On The Road

As a Florida trucking accidents lawyer said a few weeks ago, "A truck crash is not a car crash." This seems simplistic, but the truth is that trucking accidents are exponentially more dangerous than a crash between passenger vehicles. Because trucks weigh 20-30 times as much as cars, with heights and lengths that dwarf passenger vehicles, the injury and fatality rates are much higher when trucks are involved in accidents. However, as vehicle safety is improving due to technology and public education about distracted driving, crashes involving tractor-trailers and other large trucks are increasing. In fact, there were 14% more truck accidents in 2013 than there were in 2009. What can you do to maximize your safety while driving near big trucks?

Treacherous trucks

Approximately 500,000 trucking accidents occur each year. There were 104,000 people injured in truck accidents in 2012, an increase of eight percent over the previous year. Fatalities rose by four percent as well during that period. In fact, about 41,000-45,000 deaths occur each year from truck accidents, and 80% of these accidents are caused by the truck drivers.

Most common factors in truck crashes

Some of the most common causes of truck accidents are

  • Truck braking capability. When a tractor-trailer is fully loaded, it can take 20-40 percent more distance for it to come to a halt than for a passenger vehicle. Sudden stops are just impossible.

  • Truck driver fatigue. About 13% of trucking accidents are caused by driver fatigue. Truck drivers are allowed to drive 77 hours a week, but some drive more than that when companies are short-staffed.

  • Rural areas. Because long stretches of rural roads can lull drivers into a complacent autopilot state of mind, it's not a surprise that more accidents occur in rural regions than in cities or on heavily congested city freeways.

  • Weather conditions. Heavy rain, fog, and snow make difficult driving for everyone. However, for tractor-trailers who cannot stop or maneuver quickly to avoid unsafe weather conditions, driving becomes downright life-threatening.

  • Blind spots. Fourteen percent of truck crashes happen because the driver did not check his blind spot before changing lanes.

How you can stay safe

Although you have no control over the weather and can't climb into the truck cab to ensure the driver is alert and following the rules of the road, you can do much to prevent a collision. Remember when your driving instructor taught about defensive driving? This is one of the best times to use it. If you find yourself driving near a big truck, assume the worst. Assume that the driver is tired, distracted, and not looking for you. Keep a wide distance between you and the truck, and avoid getting into the driver's blind spot. Lastly, pull ahead of the truck as soon as it is safe to do so.

As you can see, your awareness as a driver when you are close to big trucks is critical. Although you cannot control truck drivers' behaviors or those of the drivers who share the road with you, defensive driving can help you spot potential problems and steer clear.

If, however, you have been the victim of an accident involving a large truck, you will need the assistance of a trucking accidents lawyer to obtain compensation from the truck company's insurance carrier. Traditionally, trucking insurance companies try to either blame car drivers for accidents or find loopholes to keep liability from being assigned to their drivers.

Your consultation with a trucking accidents lawyer is free, and you will not have to pay any attorney fees until your case has been won. If you've come through a trucking accident, you have nothing to lose by obtaining legal representation from a firm such as Gabrielson Law Offices, Ltd.

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Real Estate Law 101: Understanding The Basics

When you're selling a house, accepting a buyer's offer and signing a purchase contract means that the buyer is committing to buy the house and you've agreed to let them. The contract prevents you from selling to someone else in the meantime, but it also details responsibilities for the buyer. He or she must pay a small deposit, called earnest money, as a show of faith. If at any point the buyer backs out of the contract, you have the legal right to keep the earnest money. If he or she refuses or violates any other term in the contract, a real estate lawyer can help you seek a breach of contract claim. This site will help you understand more about real estate law basics.



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