When Do You Need An Auto Accident Lawyer?

It is not a must to get a lawyer for your auto accident claim. Some auto accident claims can be handled without the involvement of a lawyer. Your circumstances determine whether you need a lawyer or not. Below are some of the situations in which auto accident lawyers are necessary.

Serious Injuries or Damages

Any accident that involves serious injuries or damages calls for the intervention of a lawyer. This is because the stakes are high and a slight mistake can cost you a lot of money. After all, the number and value of damages rise with the increase of injury severity. For example, you deserve the future loss of income damages if an accident has left you with long-term injuries. A lawyer is experienced enough to help you calculate the damages.

Liability Disputes

You also need a lawyer's involvement if the opposing side, whether a lawyer or an individual, is disputing liability for the crash. Say you believe that the other driver should pay for the accident because they were not entirely within their lane at the time of the crash, but they are disputing the fact. In such a case, a lawyer can help you prove your claims and win you compensation.

Unfair Settlement Offer

Most auto accident cases settle out of court. The insurance company makes an offer to the accident victims, negotiations ensue, and a settlement agreement is reached. However, your chances of reaching an agreement with the insurance adjuster are low if the adjuster has made what you believe to be an unfair offer. Say you demanded $400,000, but the adjuster is offering $50,000. In such a case, you obviously have very different views of the accident, and a lawyer can help you figure out whether your demand is fair and how you should get it.

Difficulties with Proof

You will need to back up your claims with proof to get the compensation you deserve. Maybe your accident claim doesn't have witnesses, you forgot to take pictures of the accident scene, and there is no surveillance video of the crash. Or maybe you didn't get prompt medical care, and you don't have obvious proof that your injuries stem from the accident. An auto accident lawyer can help you investigate the crash and prove your claims.

If you have been involved in an accident, evaluate your circumstances to determine whether you need a lawyer. Also, some people don't feel confident handling accident claims without legal counsel. Contact an attorney's office such as Attorney Todd E Webb Personal Injury Attorney today for more help.

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Real Estate Law 101: Understanding The Basics

When you're selling a house, accepting a buyer's offer and signing a purchase contract means that the buyer is committing to buy the house and you've agreed to let them. The contract prevents you from selling to someone else in the meantime, but it also details responsibilities for the buyer. He or she must pay a small deposit, called earnest money, as a show of faith. If at any point the buyer backs out of the contract, you have the legal right to keep the earnest money. If he or she refuses or violates any other term in the contract, a real estate lawyer can help you seek a breach of contract claim. This site will help you understand more about real estate law basics.



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