What Do Car Accident Lawyer Do And The Cost

When you've been in a car accident, it's a good idea to look into a car accident lawyer, regardless of the fault. A car accident lawyer will be by your side to make sure what happens next is fair to you. 

What Is a Car Accident Lawyer?

A car accident lawyer is the type of lawyer you will want to hire after you've been in a car accident. Car accident lawyers have been specially trained and educated in fighting car accident cases. They are always up to date on any law that may affect the outcome of a car accident case. Because they are specially trained in car accident cases, they have most, if not all, of their experience surrounding car accidents. Their goal is to help you receive a settlement from the at-fault driver.

What Does a Car Accident Lawyer Do?

Your lawyer will use every tool and resource in their power to prove that the cause of the accident was not you so you can receive compensation from the at-fault driver. 

Things they will do to fight for you can include the following:

  • Recreating the accident scene
  • Studying police reports
  • Taking witness statements
  • Representing you in court
  • Offering advice
  • Helping determine an acceptable settlement amount
  • Negotiating the settlement
  • Completing any documentation
  • Bringing in expert witnesses
  • Communicating with insurance companies

Benefits of Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer

Hiring a car accident lawyer ensures that you always have someone by your side fighting for you.

Other benefits of a car accident lawyer can include keeping you from settling too soon, helping you speak in the courtroom, interacting with insurance companies, and starting a lawsuit if the insurance company refuses to settle.

Cost of a Car Accident Lawyer

There are a couple of ways to pay your lawyer. 

Pure Contingency Fee

Many lawyers today will ask for a contingency fee payment. This means if you and your lawyer lose the case, you do not owe your lawyer anything for the work they put into the case. If you win, your lawyer will get a certain percentage of the settlement you receive. The average percentage for a car accident lawyer is around 33% of the settlement received

Contingency Fee With Retainer Fee

Some lawyers will require a retainer fee to ensure that they receive some payment for their work. The retainer is subtracted from what is owed later one from your settlement money. For example, if your contingency rate is at 25% on a $200,000 settlement, in total you will owe your lawyer $50,000. Because you paid the retainer fee of $5,000, you will only owe your lawyer $45,000 from your settlement money. If you and your lawyer lose the case, you will not owe your lawyer anything after the retainer fee is paid. 

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Real Estate Law 101: Understanding The Basics

When you're selling a house, accepting a buyer's offer and signing a purchase contract means that the buyer is committing to buy the house and you've agreed to let them. The contract prevents you from selling to someone else in the meantime, but it also details responsibilities for the buyer. He or she must pay a small deposit, called earnest money, as a show of faith. If at any point the buyer backs out of the contract, you have the legal right to keep the earnest money. If he or she refuses or violates any other term in the contract, a real estate lawyer can help you seek a breach of contract claim. This site will help you understand more about real estate law basics.



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